Spotlight on Environmental Toxins
This installment of Spotlight on Vermont’s Kids highlights the impact of environmental toxins on children.
Spotlight on Economic Well-Being
The economy is hurting right now — and so are thousands of Vermont’s children and families. We don’t know yet how many more Vermonters’ economic survival will be threatened by the downturn, but we do know that thousands of families are already struggling and thousands of children are already growing up in poverty.
One Vermont Coalition
One Vermont is a network of citizens, organizations, and businesses committed to state policies, programs, and public structures that help build a society that works for all Vermonters.
S.O.S. (Save Our State) Rally and Press Coverage
Several hundred protesters turned out to tell the Governor and legislators that over $60 million in budget cuts is enough.
Public Hearing on the Budget - Interactive Television Tonight 4:30 to 7:00
There will be a joint hearing with House and Senate Appropriations Committees on February 9, 2009 from 4:30 to 7:00 PM on the Governor’s proposed FY 2010 State Budget.
Spotlight Continues with Education Brief
Providing a good public education for our children is one of the most important things we, as a society, can do for our next generation.
Changes to Vermont's TANF Program
“Changes to Vermont’s TANF Program” follows recent developments that are affecting Reach Up’s implementation and examines their implications for the future of the program.
Governor's Proposed 2010 Budget a Disaster for Children and Their Families
Governor Douglas presented his 2010 budget address to the legislature Thursday, January 22nd.
Voices Launches Spotlight on Vermont's Kids Campaign
Over the next few months, Voices will release links to webpages, fact sheets and issue briefs about Vermont’s children and youth, some of the important programs serving them, and the circumstances that make it difficult for many to thrive and reach their full potential.
2008 National KIDS COUNT Data Book
Vermont ranks 10th in the nation in a new state-by-state study on the well-being of America’s children.
House Lowers Governor's Proposed Medicaid Premium Increase
The House decreased the Governor’s increase of Medicaid and VHAP premiums by half in the budget bill (H.891) that recently passed the House.