How to Get Involved

We have everything we need to create meaningful change for children, youth and families in Vermont. There is sufficient abundance in our state and country to eliminate child poverty, ensure safety, and create belonging. All that’s missing is the will to change from those who currently set policy. Right now, policymaking largely takes place within the frame of what will grow the economy, with limited consideration to the human or environmental limitations of this approach. Just imagine if policies had to answer the question “how will this impact children today and in the future?” That’s where you come in! We’re building a community of voices calling for wellbeing be our guidepost, and for the resources of the state to be distributed fairly in support of joyous, just childhoods.

You can join the movement by:

  • Signing up for action alerts and policy newsletters. We will not spam you or sell your contact information - you’ll recieve periodic updates on policy proposals effecting children and youth, and calls to action when legislators and the administration need to hear from constituents.

  • Inviting us to dialog with your community group. We are eager to build relationships with families, youth, and service providers around the state. We’d love to hear what’s happening in communities, and offer advocacy skills and insights about what’s going on in Montpelier.

  • Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues why you support Voices and invite them to join! We’ve created a toolkit to make it easy to post on social media, Front Porch Forum, or via email.

  • Providing financial support for our work with a gift of any amount. We are shifting to the community-centric fundraising model, which honors all the ways that people contribute to the mission. We recognize that some folks are better positioned to provide time, expertise, and/or financial support, and we are deeply grateful for everyone who participates in the way that’s meaningful/possible for them.

Please sign up for our contact list below, and be in touch if you have ideas for how we can work together to ensure every child in Vermont gets to thrive!