Our Partners
Medicaid Advisory Board
Comprised of providers, consumers, and advocates, and advises the Agency of Human Services and related Legislative Committees on Vermont’s public health care programs.
Vermont Child Poverty Council
Established by the Vermont legislature in 2007, the Vermont Child
Poverty Council is charged with developing a ten-year plan to cut the number of children living in poverty by at least 50 percent.
Vermont Center for Afterschool Excellence
A public-private statewide partnership initiative dedicated to supporting and sustaining innovative learning opportunities that extend beyond the school day for all Vermont’s children and youth.
Vermont Pre-K - 16 Council
Made up of educational, business, and legislative representatives, that will formulate a plan to ensure that our high school graduates are college- and career- ready and to raise the level of post-secondary education attainment for all Vermont citizens.
VT Early Childhood Advocacy Alliance (VECAA)
A statewide early childhood coalition of individuals, organizations, businesses, and strategic partners working together on common policy priorities in the areas of health, safety, food, economic security, and early care and education, leading to positive outcomes for Vermont’s young children from birth to age eight. The Alliance shares information on early childhood issues, conducts advocacy trainings with stakeholders and creates opportunities for meaningful engagement with policymakers to advance Vermont towards a vision of thriving communities and economies.
Vermont Oral Health Care for All Coalition
A statewide effort of organizations representing the diverse needs of citizens throughout the state, working to bring great access for affordable oral health care.
Vermont Community Schools Coalition (VCSC)
A group of individuals and organizations committed to investing in community schools that name the root causes of inequity, build collective power to address them, and work to transform relationships toward a shared experience of equity in schools, communities, and the state.
VT Community Schools Act (Act 67)
Vermont Reach Up Coalition
A statewide coalition of organizations committed to preventing damaging hardship for Vermont’s children through improvements to Reach Up, Vermont’s safety net program for families with the least access to economic resources.
National and State Partners
CareQuest Institute
CareQuest Institute for Oral Health is a nonprofit championing a more equitable future where every person can reach their full potential through excellent health.
KIDS COUNT/The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a private charitable organization, dedicated to helping build better futures for disadvantaged children in the United States. KIDS COUNT is a national and state-by-state project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation to track the status of children in the United States.
Public Assets Institute
An organization that supports democracy by helping Vermonters understand and keep informed about what their government is doing, especially how it is raising and spending money and using other public assets.
State Policy Advocacy and Reform Center (SPARC)
SPARC works to strengthen the connections between state child welfare advocates to allow for peer learning and support with a focus on advocacy at the state level. SPARC uplifts success stories across state lines that can serve as models for replication and emerging challenges that may require responses both in states around the country and at the federal level.