Voices Launches Spotlight on Vermont's Kids Campaign

Over the next few months, Voices will release links to webpages, fact sheets and issue briefs about Vermont’s children and youth, some of the important programs serving them, and the circumstances that make it difficult for many to thrive and reach their full potential.

Voices’ Spotlight on Vermont’s Kids is about the needs of our children and finding ways to meet those needs, the challenges they face, the opportunities we have to support and nurture them, and how their wellbeing is important to us all. Continuing to invest in our children’s wellbeing is more important than ever in these difficult economic times. That is our surest route to the best possible future for them and our state.

To kick off the campaign, Voices would like to introduce you to kids in your county and across the state. Healthy, economically-secure children and families are the best indicators of a bright future. Want to know how they are doing in your county? Want to learn about strides made in children’s health and find out about threats to family economic wellbeing? Click here to access two-page reports for each county in the state and for the state overall. You can track changes to indicators ranging from access to prenatal care and teen birth rates to health insurance coverage and child poverty, and compare your county to state averages.


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