Edwin Allgair: Licensed Dental Practitioners Can Help Address Dental Care Crisis in Vermont
For years, I watched people suffer in pain, contract dangerous infections, and lose their ability to chew their food and their desire to smile all from a preventable disease that as a dentist, I was trained to treat — tooth decay.
New KIDS COUNT Report: Race for Results
New National Scorecard on Children’s Progress Shows Troubling Obstacles to Reaching Key Milestones
VT Digger - Peter Youngbaer: Dental Access Help Could be on the Way
At our free clinic in Barre, we treat hundreds of patients from nearly 50 different towns in central Vermont.
Women Speak out on Paid Sick Days
When Tara Scribner is sick, she can take the day off and not worry about it affecting her income.
Time for Earned Sick Days in Vermont
In Vermont, we both celebrate the protections that the Family and Medical Leave Act provides and recognize that the law doesn’t go far enough.
Vermont Early Reading Proficiency Scores Reflect Impact of Income Inequality
Voices for Vermont’s Children is partnering with the Annie E. Casey Foundation in the release of a new KIDS COUNT® data snapshot, Early Reading Proficiency in the United States.
Commentary: In Support of Paid Sick Days
At Hen of the Wood, we call ourselves the Hen Family. That’s not just a figure of speech — we’re serious about building a business that supports everyone who helps make it successful.
Childhood Poverty on the Rise in Vermont, Study Says
“Between 2007-2012, we’ve seen this increase in child poverty. Up to 15.5% of children in Vermont live in poverty right now. So that’s a 25% increase,” said Sarah Teel, Research Associate at Voices for Vermont’s Children.
New Child Health Report Released
Voices for Vermont’s children has released its new children’s health report: The State of Our Children: KIDS COUNT in Vermont Health Report.
Annual Meeting
Voices for Vermont’s Children will be having its annual meeting on Thursday, December 19th from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
If You Missed the Call-In...
SNAP Nationwide Call-In Day was Wednesday, Dec. 4. If you couldn’t call, here’s something else you can do to help protect SNAP benefits for the Vermont children and families who need them
Times Argus: Shumlin noncommittal on Paid Sick Days
Gov. Peter Shumlin won’t say yet whether he’ll support passage of a paid sick days bill that could become a cornerstone of the progressive agenda in Montpelier next year.
Times Argus: Child Poverty Efforts Fall Short of Goal
In 2007, state leaders created a high-profile task force and gave it a daunting challenge: Cut childhood poverty by half in 10 years.
Vermont Needs Office of Child Advocate
On Oct. 5, the Burlington Free Press called for public accountability and oversight of our child protection system in an editorial (“DCF report needs emphasis on transparency”).
Vermont Families See Cuts in Food Assistance Beginning in November
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program cuts will impact nearly 47 million people including 22 million children nationwide.
Vermont 2nd in the Nation in Child Well-being
The 2013 KIDS COUNT Data Book, an annual publication of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, tracks the well-being of America’s children, ranks Vermont as 2nd in the nation for overall child well-being.
Unemployed Youth Soars in VT and Nationwide
The rate of youth in Vermont between the ages of 16 and 24-years-old who are neither in school nor working jumped 50 percent between 2000 and 2011.
Vermont woman honored for dental care advocacy
An article in The Bennington Banner illustrates the importance of consumer advocacy in the fight for oral health for all.