We Cannot Underfund Reach Up and CCFAP
On Tuesday, January 22nd, 2019, the House Committee on Appropriations met to discuss the Budget Adjustment for Financial Year 2019. Two major issues of concern for Voices for Vermont’s Children are the funding of Reach Up and the Child Care Financial Assistance Program (CCFAP), two areas where a budget surplus exists despite significant unmet need for children and families.
Systemic Racism is Real
What happened to Representative Kiah Morris is a crisis for Vermont. The Bennington state representative, and the only black woman in the Vermont legislature, recently announced that she would not seek a third term, in part because of repeated racist threats made against her and her family.
Family & Medical Leave: Critical for Low-Income Families
February 5th marked the 25th anniversary of the passage of the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Increasing access to oral health care in Vermont
Voices has long been concerned with health disparities that are masked by Vermont’s relatively good record on providing health care.
Budget Update
Voices for Vermont’s Children stands with the many organizations serving and giving voice to Vermonters who are being left behind by an uneven economic recovery in asking the legislature to increase investments in children and families.
Legislative Wrap up for the 2012 Session
Here’s what happened in the 2012 Legislative Session.
Vermont Legislature Passes School “Green” Cleaning Bill
On Thursday,January 12th, the Senate gave final approval to S.92, a bill that requires manufacturers and distributors of cleaning products to only sell environmentally preferable cleaning products to schools.