Surviving in 2025

Amy Rose, Policy Director

Many of us found ourselves flummoxed last week.  We heard the news that our collective safety net was about to pause - everything from healthcare, to food, housing and childcare was at risk.  Voices connected with colleagues and tried to plan for the potential impact, but we also felt a variety of emotions - panic, restlessness, unsteadiness, anger, fear and sadness.   We were encouraged to care for ourselves and passed that sentiment forward - but it can be unclear what self care looks like in the face of such large-scale upheaval.  Then - right before the pause occurred, we were told that a Federal Judge blocked the spending freeze.  This clear and effective action gave us the opportunity to breathe and regroup.  

Our democracy and the structures that were created to provide checks and balances are being tested daily.  Some days feel longer than others.  Whether it is a particularly challenging day or not, Voices is grateful for our members, our colleagues and those who remind us that we are stronger together.  While we are relieved that this pause in funding did not occur, we are still holding the pauses in federal aid that did occur and perpetually bracing for the next announcement.  The impact of this administration’s choices are far reaching.

There were also moments yesterday that felt very familiar, notably - listening to the Governor’s budget address.  In hearing the theme of tough choices ahead, I was reminded that the sense of uncertainty that we were feeling is not new to some.  People in Vermont who are constantly unsure if or when their shelter will expire know it all too well.  We continue to see policies drafted that chip away at our sense of safety and stability.  We must acknowledge the harm that this causes and commit to removing this barrier to well being - the burden of constant stress.  

Like so many, I’m remaining vigilant. Our job is to continue to engage in creating solutions to the problems facing children and youth in Vermont.  As we carry our work forward, we want to hear from you.  Voices continues to carve out time each week to hear from community partners, from people living in Vermont and from other advocates.  Please reach out to if you would like to connect with a member of our staff team.


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