Free Press: $150 Million Budget Gap Brings Talk of Pain
More budget cuts means shortchanging Vermont’s kids.
Burlington Free Press: Pro-Tax, Anti-Tax Protesters Rally
Kathy Kilcourse of Montpelier arrived at the building housing the Department of Taxes shortly before 10 Wednesday morning to join a small crowd declaring their willingness to pay a bit more in taxes to save state programs.
Free Press: Panel Recommends Reliance on Federal Dollars
The House Appropriations Committee agreed unanimously Monday on a budget adjustment bill that postpones decisions on social service cuts and relies on more than $50 million in federal stimulus money to cover revenue gaps and spending increases.
Free Press: As Revenues Plummet, New Tax is Proposed
A Democratic lawmaker wants to revive the income tax increase that the late Republican Gov. Richard Snelling persuaded lawmakers to enact to help the state cope with a 1991 financial crisis.