Front Page News Amy Rose, Policy Director Front Page News Amy Rose, Policy Director

Crossover Week Highlights

We’ve reached the traditional midpoint of the legislative session, the crunch time called “crossover.” Bills need to emerge from committee this week and make their way to a floor vote in either the House or Senate before crossing over to the other chamber. The statehouse is buzzing with activity right now, but it’s not yet clear what progress will be made for Vermont kids, youth and families. Read on for an update of this week’s activities.

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Front Page News Kit Harrington Front Page News Kit Harrington

VT Leg Wrap-up: child well-being at the close of the session

When it comes to creating structures that center and support impacted communities, the path we choose to take is frequently as important as where we end up. This session created enormous opportunities for child and family well-being in Vermont. In this moment, there are many reasons to celebrate. At the same time, much remains uncertain–from the bills that have passed, to the impact of the legislative path taken to get here, and ultimately whether we will be able to come together to address the needs of the nearly 600 children in our state at risk of becoming unhoused and find a path forward. We also are taking this moment to attend to what has not happened- the larger gaps that remain for children and families, and the work that lies ahead for advocates and champions of child, youth, and family well-being in Vermont. 

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