Ask Our Members of Congress to Renew Unemployment Insurance for 2012

Call Congress Now!


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Please ask Senator Leahy, Senator Sanders and Representative Welch to Renew Unemployment Insurance for 2012

Millions of hardworking Americans—nearly 2 million in January alone, and over 6 million in 2012—will be cut off from the emergency lifeline of federal unemployment insurance, unless Congress acts to renew the program before it expires December 31st.

In the past three years, federal unemployment insurance has helped more than 17 million Americans while they’ve looked for work in the toughest job market since the Great Depression.

Recent Census figures show that federal unemployment insurance helped keep more than 3 million from falling into poverty last year alone.

Congress has never allowed these programs to expire when unemployment was anywhere near this high for this long. Congress must act, and act now.

Ask Them To Renew Federal Unemployment Insurance through 2012 Now!

You can call 888-245-3381 to connect with our Members.

Sample talking points:

Hello, my name is ______________ and I am ________________’s constituent from ____________.

I am calling to urge _______________ to support immediate Congressional action to renew the federal unemployment insurance program through 2012.

Without prompt action to reauthorize federal unemployment insurance, more than 6 million hardworking Americans will be cut-off of this critical lifeline next year – nearly 2 million in January alone.

Now is not the time to let these programs lapse or expire. It would be unthinkable for Congress to cut-off this vital lifeline for so many hardworking Americans who are struggling to find work when jobs are so scarce.

Please tell _____________ that I strongly urge the Congress to act now to renew federal unemployment insurance through 2012. Thank you.


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