Howard Dean Recognized at Making a Difference for Kids

Voices honored former Governor Howard Dean, MD with the Vermont KIDS COUNT Award at our annual Making A Difference for Kids event on June 12. As Governor, Dean made a difference in the lives of young people by focusing on their special needs and concerns.  “Of his many legacies, Governor Dean’s commitment to the health and well-being of Vermont children has had a profound and lasting impact on programs and services for young people of all ages,” said Carlen Finn, Executive Director of Voices for Vermont’s Children.  “During his tenure the Governor increased access to health care and quality child care; developed and expanded key prevention and early intervention programs; and strengthened child protection services, among many other achievements.”

When Governor Dean ran for President in 2004, he said: “Perhaps the greatest problem in … politics today is that so many people … tend to think in two and four year cycles. We don’t think long term, yet children are a long term proposition.” Voices is proud to recognize his visionary leadership and hard work on improving the health and well-being of children.

Carlen Finn also extended gratitude to everyone who made another year of advocacy for Vermont’s children possible: “To our members and friends who are right with us every time we step through the door of the Statehouse or rally outside – that is how we are able to do be such a strong and persistent voice for children; to our volunteer board – who give hours of their time committed to this wonderful organization – they help make it so; to our policymakers, advocates and providers who work hard day in and out for children and families across Vermont; and to Voices staff who are individually incredibly talented, savvy and dedicated and who together make an awesome team.”

Anthony Geraci, The Barn Band and Red Hot Juba provided live music and the event was catered by Let’s Pretend.


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